The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's "Project on the Introduction and Use of Innovative Technologies to Dramatically Improve Construction Site Productivity," in which sMedio participated, was introduced in the Nikkan Kensetsu Kogyo Shimbun.
(Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Sadanori Iwamoto; TSE Growth: 3913; hereafter "sMedio") participated in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's "Project on the Introduction and Use of Innovative Technologies to Dramatically Improve Construction Site Productivity" (hereafter "Project") in FY2022. AI Automatic Adjustment System for Turbid Water Treatment" was featured in the March 10, 2023 edition of the Nikkan Kensetsu Kogyo Shimbun (Nikkan Kensetsu Kogyo Shimbun). The project is described on page 9 of the paper under the title "Optimal Adjustment of Addition Amount by AI Applicable Work: Kubokawa Saga Road Fuwabara Tunnel Construction Work in FY2020 to 2023.
The "AI Turbid Water Treatment Automatic Adjustment System" is designed to improve productivity related to on-site management through the use of AI and IoT technologies,
(1) AI-based determination of the state of turbid water
(2) Turbid water facility monitoring system
(3) Water quality data measurement system
(4) Additive system of chemicals to adjust the quality of turbid water
(5) Cloud management system for measured water quality data
sMedio was in charge of (1) the development of a system that uses AI to determine the state of turbid water from camera images and predict the optimal amount of chemicals to add, and (2) the construction of the system.
The purpose of this project is to utilize the AI-determined turbid water status to optimize the treatment of turbid water by automatically determining the status of turbid water.
The project was proposed by a consortium led by Nishimatsu Corporation (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Nobutoshi Takase; TSE Prime: 1820) and comprised of two other companies, including sMedio.

About the Nikkan Kensetsu Kogyo Shimbun online page
About sMedio Corporation
Since its establishment in 2007, sMedio is a software development company that has earned a reputation for its development capabilities in multimedia and wireless connectivity technology-related software. With the mission of "Accelerating Digital Transformation," the company has recently expanded its business fields to include video analysis using artificial intelligence (AI), IoT platform products, and security-related technologies, and is working to create new value through software.
Contact information (for inquiries) (e.g. corporate phone number)
sMedio Corporation URL https://www.smedio.co.jp/
Attn: TAKAHASHI e-mail:: support_AI_Technologies@smedio-01.com TEL: 03-6262-8660 FAX:03-5540-0211
8F., Central Square, 2-3-1 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033, Japan